
Yogacharya Dileepkumar

Yogacharya Dileepkumar (India)
President of International Gurukulam and Yogabhavan of New York
He is member of World Yoga Council of International Yoga Federation
Former Patron of North America Yoga Federation
Former Patron of U.S. Yoga Federation


Unknown said...

hi Dilipji not sure if u still remember me Im an old friend from Maharajas well more than that i belonged to MCRV hostel Prasad Chatterji
i was in touch with ur old pal Renjith n he told me u r in NY.
Iam so glad to see u here
well now im in Minnesota if u dont mind reply me to my e mail

Unknown said...

Dear Yogis and Yoginis of the world:
Sri Sutrananda Presents:
The art of giving- an Enlightenment and Self Realization workshop.
Free over the Internet.
Register here:http://reg.wcswebconferencing.com/stv/Registration/tabid/177/vw/3/ItemID/24/d/20091217/Default.aspx
Everyday is Christmas ( The Art Of Giving )
Broadcast LIVE from Canada.

An Enlightenment and Self Realization Workshop.

Date: Thursday December-17-2009

Cost: FREE

Duration: 1 Hour. From 6pm to 7pm.

Description: In this workshop you will learn how to open the Heart Chakra, the Heart Chakra it is the second Kunda, if we want a world without violence, without crime, without greed and free of Fear, we must change the frequency of our heart. Be part of the change, "Be The Change You Want To See In The World"

Anonymous said...

Ancient practitioners have likened
yoga teacher training to a living tree with six

branches coming from the trunk, with each branch having its own unique function relating to a particular lifestyle. The Yoga

Sutras of Patanjali is one of the six darshanas of Hindu or Vedic schools and, alongside the Bhagvada Gita and Hatha Yoga

Pradipika, is a milestone in the history of Yoga. Though brief, the Yoga Sutras are an enormously influential work, just as

relevant for yoga philosophy and practice today, as when written many thousands of years ago.

The six branches of Yoga tend to have some aspects in common and familiarizing oneself with all six will certainly help in

the selection of your own yoga programme that incorporates routines that appeal from any of the six branches. Asanas or

postures, Pranayama or breath control, these two disciplines along with meditation and a strict moral code are the

fundamentals of the practice of yoga.